M.Ward. So. Good.
It's fun (not actually fun... but interesting maybe?) to go back though
this old blog. I forget most things about my days, so it's nice to know that
some of it is written down somewhere. Not that it will matter to anyone but me.
Maybe my children/grandchildren will read it one day, if the internet/world
still exists. But no one after that, to be sure. The mundane grind of the
day-to-day life of a middle class mom of six. SUPER exciting. .... side
note.... what is the threshold of middle class??
"In 2005, sociologists William Thompson and Joseph Hickey estimate
an income range of roughly $35,000 to $75,000 for the lower middle class and
$100,000 or more for the uppermiddle class."
-- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/American_middle_class
Cliche writing challenge for November: Each day-- One (or more)
paragraphs about something I'm thankful for. Plus one (or more) paragraphs about
something I'm not thankful for, just for balance, and not to be unrealistically
positive. ;) AND including a picture, to spice things up. Let's see if I can
remember this by the time November arrives. 5 days. I'm doubtful.
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