Friday, October 10, 2014

as the world turns.

Tomorrow marks the first day of the last year of my twenties. I'm not sure how that is possible. I can still remember the day I turned twenty and how badly that freaked me out. The past decade, for me, was filled with pregnancies and babies. Lots of babies. I wonder what my thirties will hold. 30! Ahh. So strange. The way things don't slow down. Time just moves forward, no stopping it. Everyone ages. Everyone dies. It just odd to think about. Death and dying and not existing. At least not existing on this earth. I'm being morbid. But I do think about these things, more than I should.

But I have one more year before I reach the dreaded 3-0. One more pregnancy. One more birth. One more baby. The one that has ruined our perfect boy-girl pattern. But thankfully so-- Ruby will have a friend.

Hearing: Bahamas & the chatter of children
Feeling: Thoughtful, still
Seeing: Amos with a princess frog hat sitting in Ruby's bed looking at books
Smelling: Coffee
Tasting:      ^^^


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