When I first made my "(we)b-log," I signed up with a website counter that kept track of visitors/readers. It doesn't do anything really, except to show how often the blog is viewed and the IP address... and sometimes the location (like city/state/country) and referring url. It's pretty pointless, but it's always been on there and I just haven't taken the time to remove it. I was looking at it today, and I noticed that there was a recurring "referring url"... so I clicked on it because it looked odd. It took me to this weird site, some site that has pictures of France and Germany, but I didn't see any links on it.... until I clicked a little "show/hide" arrow... which uncovered like a hundred links, to various blogs I guess, in alphabetical order. Mine was on there. How? Why? It was so strange. I don't really care so much as to who is accessing my blog from that site... what I really want to know is why my blog is even on that site to begin with. And I don't really know how to investigate such a thing. Here's the link if anyone wants to see for themselves: http://dongo.org. The pictures seem to change each time the page is opened. Underneath the the picture and text on the left side, there is a little double arrow thing (>>).... click that and it will show an extensive list of websites. Mine appears as "Annieehall"...
Help me solve the mystery :)
I believe it's probably a Search-Engine trick. Most search engines now decide what websites are most "important" to determine what order to show the results in. They base importance on things like how many links are on a page and how "important" those links are.
So a lot of websites try to trick the search engine by just hiding lots of random links somewhere on their page, so they will seem more important and rank higher. I guess they make more money from advertising that way, and from random search engine links. That's just my theory though. :)
Interesting! I would never have known that, but it makes sense... So a site would just put random links to get more popular. Haha, how weird. Thanks! :)
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