Thursday, April 28, 2011

And now my heart stumbles on things I don't know...

Today is day 2 of my post-due-date waiting period. This is when I start getting anxious. Even if I really don't mind not having the baby today or tomorrow, or even the next day... I just hate not knowing. But it teaches me something about patience each time I have to go through this, so I guess it is good in the end. Tuesday night mom made eggplant parmesan, and I had some of the leftovers again for lunch today. Maybe, just maybe, it will do something. I need to go on a really long walk too.

And my random thought for the day is... old friends. I found this girl on facebook that I probably haven't seen since I was maybe five or six years old. Seriously. But at that time, we were best friends. I even named my first pet cat after her. I thought about adding her, just to say hello. But then decided not to. What would the point be really? What is the significance of "best friends" at that age, when you don't stay in touch. Does it create some sort of connection? Or is it pretty much meaningless? I'm not saying it is one way or the other, it's just something interesting to think about. Life is so strange.

Oh, we need a middle name that goes with Amos and Hall. Suggestions?

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