Monday, February 7, 2011


Up to this point in my life, I'd never read anything written by Ayn Rand. I think I avoided her mainly due to the horror stories told by friends in high school AP English class-- stories of depth and difficulty and ridiculous length. That didn't appeal to me. But over the summer, Justin received Anthem. It sat in various places in our home, taunting me, but never opened. Until last week. I had an hour to myself, so I went to Starbucks with three books to choose from: Jane Eyre, Bridget Jones Diary (don't judge me), and Anthem. Somehow, Anthem seemed to jump from my bag and open itself on my lap... So I read half of it. An then the following day finished it up. And I.....liked it. It was very interesting, long enough-- but not too long. Deep, but easy to read and follow. I would recommend it, if you like futuristic tales. Not futuristic as in aliens and flying cars, but what life would possibly be like if a major catastrophe had wiped out most of the population. It was written around 1937, but you'd never know.

So now I wonder.... am I ready for something more? Atlas Shrugged, perhaps?
"Atlas Shrugged is a novel by Ayn Rand, first published in 1957 in the United States. Rand's fourth and last novel, it was also her longest, and the one she considered to be her magnum opus in the realm of fiction writing." (wikipedia)

Perhaps not. But I would like to start reading more often. And I'm not nearly as frightened of Ayn Rand as I once was. 


Emi Brade said...

I read Atlas Shrugged this past summer, and honestly I didn't like it. The setting was cool and the scenario was interesting, but she can get really long winded when trying to get her point across. That's just my experience with it though. I've heard the "The Fountain Head" is another good book by her too.

annaelizabethh said...

I think I may actually try that instead (The Fountainhead)... I read about it on wikipedia and it really does look interesting.

Emi Brade said...

let me know what you think if you do read the fountain head!